Sunday, July 16, 2017

If I Were Rich . . . .

I've never held a desire to be rich. I felt that money corrupted people and I didn't want my children to be corrupted. I had two goals for them: One, to finish school and two, to be decent people.

I've never really been a person to take chances such as gambling or playing the Lotto. I think I have played the lottery like two or three times in my life. The same thing goes for the casino. I've gone, but it never really held me in addiction. 

Money wasn't something I've ever dreamed of acquiring as much as my desire for having things. I wanted a large house with multiple rooms like a library, office, craft room. Somehow I never combined my need for material things with the accumulation of money. I may have wanted these things, but I didn't necessarily wanted them in a grandiose style. The granddaughter of a farmer never really left the farm after all.

Now, that I'm much older, my needs have changed quite a lot, but not my opinion about money. I'm very grateful to God that I have enough to live on comfortably. Not many others can say the same. I am truly content with all I have. I have no desire to become wealthy.

I'm often asked if I came into huge amounts of money, what would I do with it? Well, that Tiny Living would happen much, much sooner. I would give 10% to the Church outright and the rest to my Ministry. Can you imagine how much yarn I could buy? The places I could send donations to? Receiving blankets for Africa? The Philippians? No need to worry about shipping costs or supplies. 

These things are only fleeting thoughts since I don't think of wealth. Lately, we have had plenty of overtime at work (almost daily). I see people staying every single day. I used to be one of these people, working 10 to 12 hours daily. Pretty soon it began to be a part of my lifestyle. I lived in a house I couldn't afford. I lived a life I couldn't afford.

I feel bad for anyone that is living beyond their means, which is almost everyone. I remember the fear of not being able to provide for my family. Little did I realize that once you're behind, you will always be behind. One has to cut the fat, to come out ahead.

So now, I walk to my car while others at my work stay behind doing the money grind. I work overtime when I have no choice, but be mandatory. I live within my means only and upgrading doesn't happen until it actually breaks. In our household, needs win over wants hands down. You know what? I'm actually happier. Crazy, isn't it? I'm way richer spiritually and emotionally, than money could ever make me. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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