Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Trial Run At Patience

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Small service is true service while it lasts:
Of humblest friends scorn not one:
The daisy, by the shadow it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun.

1. The Crocheting Ministry (C)
2. Blog (B)
3. Chronic Illness Group (E)
4. Extracurricular (A)
5. Personal (D)

This is a rough draft of a schedule I'm working on. You see, I've been trying to implement a new routine so I could begin my Chronic Illness Group as soon as possible. Anything can happen as long as one has organization. That's my goal.

Well, it worked for about a day or so. Once again, I struggled with scheduling and organizing my routine. Once again, I failed. Once again AND ONCE AGAIN. Then I went to Church and heard a sermon on Cultivating Patience. A sermon designed just for me. 

There are three types of patience: 
1. Everyday patience 
                                  Things we encounter daily like traffic, long lines.
2. Enduring patience
                                 Things we suffer from like chronic illness, loneliness. 
3. Effective patience
                                 Things we are genuinely outraged about like bullying, poverty, crime. 

If we struggle with impatience, it's because we have problems with time. We are finding our identity and worth  within our accomplishments. Everyday we make lists that are impossible to fulfill. Instead of the list consisting of ten items, we list 49 and place expectations on ourselves to accomplish them. Of course, they are not viable and we end up feeling like failures. 

Emily was elbowing me during the entire sermon. Hello! It's all true. The more I do, the more I feel my worth. I multitask in all I do. Another problem, I need to overcome if I choose to live Tiny. No room in a Tiny House or Rv for that! I can make all the schedules and lists I want, but they're pointless unless I make them smaller and realistic. 

So how do I cultivate patience?

Somewhere during the day, we need to take a minute to inhale deeply and pause. For me, that would be a bathroom stall at work. No one will bother you there for sure.

Remember the Sabbath. It doesn't have to be Sunday. Nowadays, only Chik Fil A does Sabbath. Take a day to just plain relax. Nothing else.

When was the last time you took a walk all by yourself with your phone off or any kind of technical devices? When was the last time you enjoyed some solitude with only God and nature as companions? 

So that schedule and list and organizational techniques went right into the trash. I don't want any of it. All I need is a calendar to list my appointments. The rest? It will happen naturally. The best work comes when we have plenty of time to work on it. Quality has always won over quantity. 

Happy Sabbath everyone.

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