Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Sawdust Diet

I do so well in the beginning. I eat my fruits and vegetables, which I love. I'll even do that odd workout here and there. Then, a CERTAIN NIGHT happens where I might as well make a bed inside the refrigerator. My cravings go bezerk. My so-called diet is over.

I often think about that woman guest on Dr. James Dobson's radio program. A woman who apparently lost tons of weight, well over a hundred pounds. She said that in the range of ten years, she has lost over five hundred pounds. She would lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, over and over again. Finally, she overcame that evil monster by existing on what Dr. James Dobson called sawdust. 

A sawdust diet is what it takes for this woman to maintain her weight, even now when she is fit. That really makes me sad just thinking about it. I love eating healthy, and thoroughly enjoy many delicious meals from vegetables and fruit. Yet, I know I can go even further, just as this woman has, and probably lose this weight. The question here is if I want to do all that. Do I want to give up so much just so I can like myself? 

Let me tell you another story. During an online Bible study, I watched video after video teaching led by this group leader who apparently was overweight (just like me). I have to say, how impressed I was with her. I thought she looked absolutely fabulous. She had on well-fitting clothing that made her look so stylish and elegant. I wanted to look like her. I knew I could.

It really is all about the clothes. They have to be clean, pressed and presentable. Do they fit us well or is our flesh hanging out all exposed? None all of us know where our navel has gotten to. So I cleaned out my closet of anything that didn't fit anymore or never did in the first place. I can look great with the right clothes. 

I don't know what has taken over me, but I no longer am obsessed about my weight. I think it's time to learn to accept myself. This is my body now and I need to accept it. I've stopped weighing myself every Monday afternoon at work. Do I really need that much failure in my life? I'm already tough on myself, don't need any help from anyone. Who needs mirrors anyway? They're so overrated!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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