Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Quick Update

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

So I've been a little inactive this Summer. It seems that my thyroid has been acting up and I've been fighting fatigue. My legs also have been giving me a lot of trouble, especially at night. I can no longer avoid the very obvious. I need to go see a doctor about these legs. You know, after spending my entire Summer and Autumn at the doctor's last year, this is the last thing I want to do now. 

Just this past weekend, I barely did anything. Saturday, I spent a good part of the day with my mom and her sister. Sunday, we went to Church and the rest of the day was spent laying around watching Netflix movies. We even ordered in some pizza! Not once did I check the phone or e-mail. 

                                         My Aunt loved this picture of us.

As Monday rolled away around, I jumped out of bed with a renewed energy I haven't felt for a very long time. It's time to get off my lethargic behind and actually do something. A pretty good start to the week ensued. The focus right now is on finishing up all the loose ends of past projects. That also includes making that doctor's appointment!

So here we go! Have a blessed day everyone. 

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