Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ovarian Cancer Pt.3

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I rest beneath the Almighty's shade,
    My griefs expire, my troubles cease;
  Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed,
    Wilt keep me still in perfect peace.

All cancer treatments have side effects, but majority of them can be managed by your healthcare professionals. Before beginning treatment, learn as much as you can about those side effects and how they might affect your work, your health and your intimate relationships. Don't be the novice I was, research, research and more research.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. The chemo infusion travels through the bloodstream to reach all parts of the body. The infusion happens once every three weeks or so for a period of six months. Sometimes, it can be less. I've had various (3, 6 and 8 dosages).

Everyone responds to chemotherapy differently and that includes side effects. They may be severe or just a few, depending on your body's healing process. The side effects are:

Loss of appetite
Mouth sores
Increased chance of infection
Bleeding or bruising easily
Hair loss

I have found that iced water and a box of saltine crackers go a long way during treatment. I always bring a jug of iced water to treatment with me for that purpose. I was never a water drinker until cancer came into my life. Who knew the benefits of water during chemotherapy treatment?

Another tip for during treatment: Always have a box of clorox wipes handy. Every morning wipe down the counters, door knobs, or anything that you may be handling and where germs gathered. Just a quick wipe down is needed, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, even your car. To this day, I wipe down my desk, phone or mobile cart at work. 

I hope this helps, so feel free to share with others. Have a blessed day everyone. 

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