Wednesday, July 26, 2017


                                                      Everyday is a brad new day, everyday is a journey.

Prayer. . . . over the years, I have explored and participated in the different ways we can pray. I'm always looking to learn all that I can about my faith. Although lately, I feel that I have become a ritualistic prayer warrior. What I mean by that is that I seem to have a form that I use over and over again. Almost the same wording as I pray. It makes me wonder, if I'm becoming a robot when I pray.

In the movie War Room, there was a pretty famous scene where the question was raised How is your prayer life? Is it steaming hot or tepid and lukewarm? None of us like anything lukewarm. It's true, we wouldn't enjoy a lukewarm cup of coffee or glass of water. Why would we think that God wants the same out of us? 

I've been feeling like that lately. I could do better. Pray better, more fervently and passionately than what I have been doing. Sometimes, we just become stale and we need more as if we've outgrown ourselves. It's time to move on to the next level. 

Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt like your prayers have become routine? Same-o, same-o? Maybe your prayers have come to a standstill. Perhaps, the words cannot come out, because it feels as if we've used them all up. Do we stop praying altogether? What do we do to bring that fervor back?

It's no different from the relationships we have with others. When there is a rift or boredom, what do we do? We change it up. We try to rekindle what we once had with that person. It's no different with God and prayer. Yes, my prayer life has taken a hit, but to me, that means I'm ready for the next level in my relationship with God. What does that next level look like? I have no idea . . . yet. Perhaps, I need to spend some time in the solitude and see what happens. 

Be still and know that I am god.

One of my favorite verses ever, but oh so true. Let me rest in the Lord as I try to figure this thing out. My relationship with God is so important to me. Let's deepen that relationship. Let's take it to the next level. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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