Thursday, May 25, 2017

What Not To Say

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

This above all to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou can'st not then be false to any man.

Once in a while, I go on a rant. Majority of the time, I take in everyone's careless comments and move on. Eventually, these comments build up and I explode in pen. So here goes.

The things that people say to one another is unbelievable to me. We cannot be that insensitive, that careless, that ignorant to hurt people's feelings, especially when they have an illness. There are so many people out there with a chronic illness, that deal with all sorts of pain every single day.  Just because they don't complain or voice their struggles, doesn't mean they don't exist. 

So I'm having a conversation with a lady whom I know well. Let's keep names out of it. We're talking about Fmla and disability. I mention to her that my family is always bringing up disability with me as something to think about. She looks at me and says Why? There's nothing wrong with you now?

That coming from a woman with a handicap sticker, yet she practically runs instead of walking. I don't judge her nor assume why she has that sticker. I looked then at our fellow co-worker whom I know has neuropathy in her feet from her cancer treatments from a few years ago. She still has them. I can always recognize when she is in pain, because of how she walks. Yet, I've heard people call her lazy, because she sits a lot. I know why she sits. Maybe next time, they should ask her why she limps? I'm sure she would tell them. 

Lottie, you lost some weight since we last saw you. 
I'm only five pounds lighter. 
Oh, no, you were much heavier!

Hold me down, Jesus! Hold me down. Please someone tell me why every 90 lb. little thing out there assumes that we all should look like them? Did anyone ever consider that maybe I want to be fat? My weight gain seems to really bother people. That is the one thing that everyone makes comments about. Stop. You're not helping me.

Okay enough ranting. Thank you for listening. Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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