Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Still Waiting

                                                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.           

A little thought will show you how vastly your own happiness depends on the way other people bear themselves toward you. The looks and tones at your breakfast-table, the conduct of your fellow-workers or employers, the faithful or unreliable men you deal with, what people say to you on the street, the way your cook and housemaid do their work, the letters you get, the friends or foes you meet,--these things make up very much of the pleasure or misery of your day. Turn the idea around, and remember that just so much are you adding to the pleasure or the misery of other people's days. And this is the half of the matter which you can control. Whether any particular day shall bring to you more of happiness or of suffering is largely beyond your power to determine. Whether each day of your life shall give happiness or suffering rests with yourself.

Isn't that the absolute truth, the above statement? Or at least, in my case it is. Every single day, I begin my day with a renewed hope. Hope that it will be better than yesterday. Hope that a person I know may be changed or or at least on the road to a better life. Hope that my situation will work out according to my wants. Hope in what is yet to be. Hope, period. 

Sometimes, things work out real great and the day goes on beautifully. And sometimes, it doesn't. Either way, hope keeps us alive and looking forward to the each new day. 

Like almost everyone out there, I have a heart wishlist. A wishlist of things that are so dear to me. Not all of them on the list are for me, some are for my children or grandchildren. Some even for good friends. This heart wishlist can hurt at times, because of the waiting. We all dislike waiting, especially if it involves a heart wish that means so much to us.

Whenever I begin to feel negative thoughts entering, I just try to remember any heart wishes that have come true already. Or I try to think of all the small things we take for granted every single day. Good things happen to us everyday, but we refuse to see it, because we consider it too small. We need to be thankful for these small pleasurable treasures that God places as He goes before us. 

Joyce Meyer's has said that whenever we feel like our faith may begin to waiver and negative thoughts seep in, that's when we should keep repeating I trust you God, I trust you God. Keep saying that to yourself all day if you have to, just don't allow the devil to steal away your belief in your heart wishes. These heart wishes are God's promises to us and He intends to fulfill them. 

Have a blessed day everyday.

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