Monday, May 29, 2017

The Peach Guy

                                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day
                                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Make us of one heart and mind;
  Courteous, pitiful, and kind;
  Lowly, meek, in thought and word,
  Altogether like our Lord.

So how was work, Emily?

Uggh, customers were rude, demanding service right then and there. Couldn't wait for their turn, but then the Peach guy came in making me laugh. 

We all need a Peach Guy in our lives, don't we? Someone that can make us laugh or brighten our day by a kind word or action when we need to hear it the most. Sometimes, it's just a silly old joke.

Work can be a difficult place. We spend so much of our waking time there, it almost becomes our second home. Is it no wonder it can become a struggle? Many times I wonder to myself where did these people come from? I'm sure they're thinking the same about me.

I may get along with all of my co-workers, but only a few I would call my true buddies. These are the ones I visit at their homes. These are the ones that help me when I need help and I do the same for them. These are the ones that I sit down and eat lunch with, sharing more than just food, but our daily lives. These are the ones that forgive me when I'm not in the mood. These are the ones that understand that sometimes a week is just a bunch of Mondays grouped into one.

They are my Peach guy. We all need a Peach guy in our lives. We need someone to help ease that time work space away from home. Work relationships are special, because they see all sides of you, personal and the not so personal. So as we begin our work week tomorrow, let's not forget our Peach Guy. Buy him some lunch.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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