Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Loving Me Some Fy Nyth

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                          everyday is a journey.

One day, a long time ago, I was on Pinterest and I came across a Tiny House. The Tiny House shown above. I was enthralled and when I noticed the owner had a blog, I couldn't resist checking it out. That's how my love of Tiny Houses and Tiny Living came to fruition. It all began with a picture on Pinterest. 

Fy Nyth is Welsh for nest. This blog is about a young lady who decided to live in a Tiny House based in Wyoming. I love, love this blog. Everything I ever wanted to know about this type of lifestyle, she answers. Hers isn't the only blog I read, but it's the only one I'm still following. Whatever problems she may have faced in choosing this lifestyle, she has shared it with her readers. At times, even finding solutions to these problems so we may know the different options out there. 

This is what I hoped to find when it came to Rv living, but it seems that what is out there are travelers only. If anyone comes across a blog on stationary Rv living, give me a heads up. It will be appreciated. 

Back to Fy Nyth. The life this young lady is living is the one I would love for myself. I love to see how much smarter this younger generation has become in relation to ourselves. Not all, of course, but the majority. Here she is at this young age knowing her life's course and living it. It took me the latter part of my forties to realize my purpose. How could I not admire her for it?

If you have time, please visit her blog. Just go and google Fy Nyth for a great read on alternate living. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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