Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Puzzle

                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Teach me, my God and King,
    In all things Thee to see,
  And what I do in anything,
    To do it as for Thee.

A few weeks back, my grandchildren came for a visit. Usually, these visits are planned ahead of time, but that wasn't the case this time. You know, they're constantly surprising me. Just when I think that they're getting too old to want to hang out with grandma, they prove me wrong. 

It all started with a puzzle. The real surprise here was my 14 year old grandson. He loved it! 

                                         When he sat down with me, his mind went to work and pretty soon that puzzle began to fill out. A scene unfolded. 

 A scene unfinished since it was time for them to head back home. He was so crestfallen. On our way out, I told him I would take a picture and send it to him when I finished it. He looked at me and said, "Grandma, you mean you're going to finish it without me?" Be still my heart, he still wants to hang out with me. 

The finished piece sent to my Tim. Beautiful piece, but the memory that went with it was priceless!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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