Sunday, May 21, 2017

Give From Your Heart

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O father! help us to resign 
Our hearts, our strength, our wills to Thee; 
Then even lowliest work of Thine 
Most noble, blest, and sweet will be. 

Not too long ago, I've been in a Bible study that dealt with loving everyone and showering them with kindness. It dealt with being hospitable to everyone, even when we don't feel like it. Believe it or not, this is extremely difficult. 

Joyce Meyers has always said that the worst selling book she ever wrote dealt with love. People will buy books on self help as long as it deals with working on themselves. Ask them to work on loving their enemies or showing forgiveness and we balk. It is very true. I noticed it with this Bible study as well. The discussion and participation was almost non-existent. 

Why do we balk at showing love and hospitality to others?

Maybe it has to do with loving the "easy" people versus the "messy" ones. Let me choose which ones I deem worthy of my love. Isn't that how it truly is out there? Or if I show love to people whom I dislike, I'd would have to first forgive them. And I'm not ready to do that. Don't ask me to do that, because you have no idea what they have done to me.

Giving from our hearts means giving wholeheartedly everything we have even if that means we get nothing back. That's tough, because we always expect something in return. 

I rarely speak of my Ministry to anyone. Many times as I collect my plastic bags, people ask me what I'm doing with all this plastic. When I tell them it's to make homeless mats, they look at me weird, never responding. They just look and walk away. Somehow, I feel as if I'm disappointing them with my answer. 

You have no idea how much satisfaction I feel inside with my Ministry. It brings me Joy. If it was taken away from me, I think I would die inside. This is what I like to do. This is how I give from the heart. It could be entirely different for you or anyone else. Either way, it has to come freely. What does that look like to you?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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