Saturday, May 27, 2017

Thru The Bible Once Again

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

What is really wanted is to light up the spirit that is within a child.
 In some sense and in some effectual degree there is in every
 child the material of good work in the world; and in every child,
 not only in those who are brilliant, 
not only in those who are quick, 
but in those who are stolid,
 and even in those who are dull.
--William Gladstone.

Many of you will remember a quest of mine involving going through the Bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse. All of this to take five years. That was last June. Well, since then my treatment took center stage. Then we were packing, moving and unpacking. Suddenly, a good six months went by and my Bible study was placed on a shelf gathering dust. 

I think I know why there was no desire inside of me for a New Year's resolution. I have way too much unfinished business that needs to be accomplished. This seems to be the year of finishing up. 

So here I am, picking up the Bible study once more and quite happy to report, I'm steadily working on it. In doing so, I'm finding out that the Bible is really a History of where we came from. When one reads it cover to cover, you begin to see a story line, a History lesson of how we came to be where we are today. It all began with Creation and I cannot wait until Revelation. 

I've learned my lesson. I don't want my relationships to become ritualistic where everything we say or do ends up being stale and predictable. Let's check it off the list type of scenario. I'm working this quest slow and steady, breathing in all the lessons of life. I want to enjoy all the things I'm involved with and that's something I've forgotten the first time around. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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