Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Seed Packing

                                                              Everyday is a brand new ay, everyday is a journey.

For blessings of the fruitful season,
    For work and rest, for friends and home,
  For the great gifts of thought and reason,
    To praise and bless Thee, Lord, we come.
  Yes, and for weeping and for wailing,
For bitter hail and blighting frost,
For high hopes on the low earth trailing,
 For sweet joys missed, for pure aims crossed.

Two weeks ago, I had a free day off from work, so it was a no brainer when a volunteer opportunity presented itself. I volunteered taking my mom along as my co-pilot.

                                                    My mom Mary.

Every year in the month of April, my Church hosts Celebration of Hope. For the next four weeks, we volunteer ourselves and our checkbooks in helping globally. We have guest speakers that shouted with their voices their needs like wells, counseling for sex slave trafficking, seed packing, walking for refugees or building schools. 

One of those, seed packing, involved everyone getting together for a weekend of packing one million seed packets to send to Africa. Apparently, our tomatoes grow very well over there and the villagers call them Chicago tomatoes. 

It was for this volunteer opportunity that I brought my mom as my partner. I don't think she had any idea what she was getting herself into. To her, it was an outing spent with me. 

We sat at a table of eight. An accountant, a business woman of three restaurants with her daughter, a mother of two teenagers and a young mom with her tween daughter. Three were filling the packets with tomato seeds, two were sealing, two were packing and one was counting. 

My mom talked the entire time. She was entertaining everyone, full of vigor and life. The funny part was that everyone listened to her stories, laughing and encouraging her along the way. She loved every minute of it. She truly was in her limelight. So glad I brought her.

We spent two hours of our time there packing those seeds, but overall, the fellowship was even better. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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