Monday, August 1, 2016

Blessings Galore

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The Lord will guide you continually
And satisfy your soul in drought
And strengthen your bones
You shall be like a watered garden
And like a spring of water whose 
waters do not fail.
Isaiah 58:11 

We have a thwarted view of what blessings really look like, don't we? We expect them to be grand and over zealous in nature. We want and expect great blessings to be poured over us. I mean, we are so much better than that person at Church or at work or across the street from us. They're heathens and we of course, are saved.

When life is great, we all think like that, but the minute it becomes a little ugly . . . . . well, we're not exactly Job's, are we? We demand. We sob. We beg. We make deals with God. We make excuses for our behavior. Anything to get back on top.

The last few months, I feel I've been one of those people I described above. You see, I've fallen off the trust wagon the minute I said I  trusted Him. I have great faith.

 Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me."
Luke 22:34

I am an idiot! In all of this wailing, I have been blessed numerous times, but just not in the way I wanted to be. I wanted more and God was like you have more than enough!

Why are we like that? Why are we behaving like brats as if it was owed to us? What have we done to earn all of these demands? Looking back, I'm more ashamed of my behavior especially since I've always considered myself such a faithful servant of God. Boy, how we have fallen!

I am blessed daily, sometimes in a small ways and others bountifully. It could be as small as a penny on the ground or as grand as a raise. Why couldn't I see that? Have I become the most trusting person in the world? Not exactly. Even now as I write, I'm just a short minute away from panic mode whenever I think of the upcoming months.  I may feel overwhelmed, but I quickly shrug it off by occupying my mind with something else. So far it has been working. Praise God!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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