Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I'm Late! I'm Late!

Running any kind of Ministry takes a lot of work. I find that my Ministry need's vary as the months go past. It's almost in six month intervals that these changes occur. It can vary from having many volunteers to only a couple. Some months I have more drivers than crafters and so on and so on. The same goes for yarn and material. There are times my storage bins are overflowing and others. . . well, you get the picture.

The Season that we are in also plays a huge part. Fall/Winter are our busiest times and also the most productive. I don't just mean in how many pieces we crochet or donate, but in donations of material such as yarn. Summer is our slow time, mostly because people go on vacation and who thinks about crocheting when it's hot out?

This Season, I'm in need of many things. Not only donations of yarn are dwindling, but also a driver. My room is overflowing with boxes that need to be delivered. Anytime, my room resembles a hoarders problem, it's delivery time!

So guess what I've been doing this morning? You got it. I've been packing things up, labelling them and hopefully making these deliveries in the next couple of  days.

No matter how rushed I may sound, I still love doing all these activities. I wish I could spend more time on each one, but alas, it is not possible right now.

Would you please pray for this Ministry? God has always met our needs, but prayers one can never be short of. There is always so much to be done. Thank you everyone and have a blessed day.

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