Friday, July 31, 2015

A Writing Fest

Writing has become my other outlet, crocheting being my first. The longer I go without it, the more stressed I become. I had such plans last Saturday for my writing. I had the whole day reserved to lock myself in my room and write.

Of course, that didn't happen. As usual, life seems to interfere. I often think that the only time I ever will have unlimited writing and crocheting time will be in Heaven. I could actually picture myself doing that.

Lately, it seems there is a writer's block of sorts following me around. Every time I sit down to let loose the words, BAM, a call comes or no internet connection. Even  my beautiful window holds no view. With all this humidity, the sun has been pouring it's rays right through my picturesque window. I had to close the shutters until further notice.

I often wish I had a tape recorder ( a modern version, of course) where I could leave all my brilliant ideas whenever they appeared. It's hard to pen something down when you're driving. I can remember many a times where I actually wrote a story in my head as I was driving to work. The bad thing is, when it came time to actually write it, it quite never came out the same way. It just wasn't as good as that first time.

I have seen interviews of authors, where they set aside a certain time for writing. At that appointed time, they close the door and shut the outside world out. Even if they don't write anything, they still sit there until the time runs out.

Maybe, I can do that when I live alone, but at this time, it's not possible. Even Emily has been getting up with the birds and wanders into my room right at my set time to chat  while she drinks her breakfast smoothie or combs her hair.

My children are first, I will not ever tell them to get out so I can write. Didn't I say I wanted to make memories? I should add that I wanted to make good memories, not just any kind.

We all learn to adjust as we age. Take this morning. I thought I would get up early, make my coffee and sit down to write a story or two before I left for my mom's. I like to visit my mom before work since she lives a mere 10-15 minutes from my job. Instead, there was a voice message from one of my ministry ladies asking for more supplies.

So, of course, where do you think I'm heading out to now? Have a blessed and cool day everyone.

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