Saturday, July 25, 2015

I'm Hanging And Banging

A group of my fellow co-workers and I have this great saying whenever asked how we are doing:
I'm hanging and banging! It always puts a smile on my face.

Today, Emily and I are doing exactly that. Hanging around the apartment in our comfy clothes, each in her own territory and busy doing her own thing. Today, we're just hanging and banging.

Summer around here has been very humid and we haven't been able to really enjoy it. July is almost over and I rarely sat in front of my favorite desk enjoying the view. There really hasn't been one. Everyone basically has the same idea as us, staying indoors with the air on. If it isn't humid, then it's pouring rain. What a summer, I tell you.

It seems that we have had such busy schedules of late on the weekends( tomorrow another wedding shower) that our quiet family time  has been nonexistent. Sometimes, we just want to relax with no agenda in sight.

So today we ordered in some food(not quite healthy) and plan on watching the show about nothing(Seinfeld). We're staying in, just relaxing in each other's company de-stressing. Hope you do, too.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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