Friday, October 17, 2014

Working Mother Of The Year

Crystal Michel, Avon Products, Inc.

What We Love
Nominated for: Volunteer Virtuoso
Utility Packager; East Chicago, IN; mom of Eiyana, 10, and Patrick, 8
After commuting 82 miles round trip between home and work, you might expect Crystal Michel to take it easy on her days off. Instead, this single working mom of two delivers boxes of donated baby blankets made by the local Crocheting Ministry Club to the labor and delivery wing of Lullaby Birthplace at St. James Hospital in Chicago Heights. The blankets help low-income moms with limited resources and few supplies prepared for their babies. For Crystal, it’s all about showing her children how to be compassionate and loving people.
The same pitch-in attitude carries over to Crystal’s work at Avon, where she has been an associate for seven years. Despite the demands of motherhood, her charitable efforts and her challenging commute, Crystal is a key contributor to the Mascara area and also operates Lotions and Roll-On lines when needed. On the job, she has a tremendous commitment to product quality, resulting in zero quality rejects in 2013 and 2014. Plus, Crystal also known for working safely and efficiently, while being a cheerful presence on the line.

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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