Monday, October 6, 2014

Desiring To Be Mary

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.
John 14:6

I don't know when the thirst began . A thirst for God . A need to be near Him once again . Yes again . It felt as if I lost that connection we had together somewhere along the road of volunteering , serving others . I became Martha desiring to be Mary . 

I yearned for that excitement I felt long go as a new baby Christian .  A relationship  where no one else existed , but You and I . Do you remember the way I would run to Church on Sunday morning just to unload my burdens at Your feet ? I could not wait to be fed  .

It is so easy to become emerged in the hype of service . We volunteer to be part of something other than ourselves  . We want to help , because it is our duty to do so as Christians . We sign up for everything involving our Church so we could be accepted by this community of believers  . So we could be counted as vital in our contribution  as a Body of Christ . Everyone wants to belong . 

Too much of anything is not good . I became lost in the sea of serving , of giving too much and not taking anything back in . Our souls are made to be fed so we can keep growing as spiritual individuals . I became lost , desiring to be found . I became Martha .

How do I find my way back ? I want to walk in and sit down in a pew and just receive Your Word . I want to Worship and not be bothered by the expectations of others . Do not interrupt my time with Him . This is my Sunday with my Lord . 

Let me kneel before Him and become Mary . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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