Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Letter

The following is dedicated to all who are discovering they have cancer for the very first time . Hearing that dreadful " C " word can be the most frightening experience of one's life . I want you to know that cancer is not an end , but a beginning of a new journey . 

It would be understandable if I denounced my cancer with anger and hatred , but I can't . Too much good has emerged from the bad . How can I feel angry about this disease when I am surrounded by all the fruits that have blossomed from it ? 

I am loved like I've never been loved before by people that I thought didn't care for me any longer . My relationships with others are more meaningful , caring and lasting . I matter to them , because we are not afraid to show our love for one another . All past hurts and disagreements are tossed aside like they never existed . 

Going through cancer changed everything . Even though there were many bad moments and I know there will be more of them in the        future  , would I change any of it if I could ? I'm not sure , because the good outweighs the bad .  

Cancer has become more of a friend rather than my nemesis . I have learned to adapt to the lifestyle I have been given . Not all of the changes were pleasant , but I discovered a strength I never knew I    had . I rely on that strength to get me through whatever tomorrow holds . 

I have been awakened by what is important in life . I am so attuned to God's loving Grace , His beauty surrounds me in all I see . Today I live for the " now " and tomorrow is in God's hands . 

Ask yourself what is important to you at this moment and focus your energies on it . Your journey begins , one step at a time , even though it may seem like a very dark tunnel you are entering  . I can not wait to see the new you emerging from it . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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