Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dear , Dear Friends

I haven't seen Linda for a few months now , nor Doug . Never far from my mind , these two have played a significant role in my journey with cancer . All three of us , went through treatment together , even though we each have a different illness . 

We have cried together , prayed together and supported each other through each of our trials  . They matter to me . 

Doug is still in treatment and working , trying to maintain a normal lifestyle . It must be very difficult having a young family of five to support and yet , I have never seen a family more full of love  for one another . 

Linda , on the other hand , has not stopped treatment for a few years now . I cannot even imagine what that must be like having chemo every three weeks for years . She looks very tired and my heart goes out to her . 

I feel extremely lucky that I get a break once in a while . A break to eat normal and live normal . Linda is not that lucky . As soon as one part of her cancer goes in remission , it appears elsewhere in her body . Yet , she moves on , loving me and praying for me all the way . 

I often wonder about the day when one of us will leave this world . A part of each of us will leave right along with the one entering Heaven . Right now , we're plodding along , some of us limping , aches and pains included  , ready to support one another at a moments
notice . 

What can beat friends like that ? Absolutely nothing .  

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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