Monday, October 20, 2014

Charity Monday

Charity begins at home . 

I never cared for that phrase . It always reminded me of selfishness and greed . As if the person making that remark  was  only thinking of themselves and their satisfaction . 

As a mother , I've placed myself last many times , opting to provide for my family first . The best fruits for them . Nothing unusual there . I believe the majority of people out there are doing the same . 

Charity begins at home . 

Taking another look at that phrase , I saw it in a completely different perspective . Instead of seeing the " me , me " factor , how about seeing the necessity that needs to be filled as a family . 

We do so much for other people at work , at our Church , for our friends . What about us ? Where does the charity begin with us ? 

I have neglected certain things in favor of others , prolonging the inevitable by procrastination and then because of shame . Shame at how far I've let things go . I have neglected  dental appointments , doctor appointments , past due bills , important paperwork , new glasses etc. , even unpleasant meetings . 

All these things that have only made the original problem much worse by my laziness and avoidance of facing the issues . If I can file it away somewhere deep in the corners of my mind , I won't have to deal with them . I'll save it for another time . . . . much later , but not now . 

How many times have we all said or done that ? For me , way too many . As I sit here in the waiting room , I have only myself to blame for my embarrassment . If I had taken cared of this problem years ago , I wouldn't have to be feeling chastised by my inaction . Just think how minor of a problem it would have been back then and how much cheaper . 

It's Monday . Another new week . No more procrastination , no more shame . Get out that list and do it . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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