Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Blogger's Life

Every Christian should be reading one book -- the Bible -- and writing two. The first is a daily journal. Though not everyone finds this helpful, it's hard to object to keeping a small notebook (either literally or electronically) beside our Bibles so we can jot down the daily insights that come from our Bible study. 

The other book is an autobiography. Somewhere and somehow we should begin recording our testimony for those who will come after When we're dead and gone, our voices will no longer be heard on earth; but if we leave behind an account of our testimonies, we can minister to the next generation. Why not start your journal and a simple record of your life today?
David Jeremiah

Many times , Emily has asked me to write a series of " How To " manuals of useful information to pass on to her when she becomes a wife and mother . Each time I laugh that there is too much data to record in one lifetime . 

When I began this blog , who knew how much I would learn and heal from it . What began as a testimony to my children ended up becoming my life saver !

I have to be honest that I often thought about writing a guidebook to certain topics for my daughter . 

A Guide To The Running Of A Home

Easy , Healthy Recipes 

Mom's Advice To Life 

Tips For Pregnancy And Beyond

Then I think of all the work involved and I feel overwhelmed . Besides , would she really read it ? Saying so and doing so are two separate things . 

I can remember Joey living alone in Missouri and remarking how much he missed the family news . Mail was something he didn't receive regularly , so I proceeded to write letters to him on a weekly basis filled with all the latest info . He admitted to me later that he rarely read    them , opting to skim through them quickly instead . 

Then I remember another time , of him sitting beside my hospital bed when things weren't so great and asking me a question :

" Mom , are there any special words of wisdom or thoughts you want to pass on to me now ? " 

Friends , I have thought about that question for years  . I can see the need for them since I have cancer . We think differently , because we know time is limited and very special . I may not be around when Emily gets married or has her first child . The same applies to Joey and our many conversations , jokes and the lattes he makes for me when I     visit . 

So I keep writing my blog , my prayer journal  and keep taking notes in Church . When the time comes , I'm sure they will be a comfort to my family . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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