Friday, October 3, 2014

Simply Settling In

I can't believe how quickly this year has been going . One would think it would be the opposite , especially since I had such a hard time adjusting to it . It's taken me so long to settle into a routine of acceptance to all the changes in my life . 

We really have to be careful when making bold declarations of how good we are at something , God may test you to see if it's really true . I'm eating humble pie myself . 

How many times have I stated how well I handle change ? Countless of times and this year , I have failed miserably . 

I have whined , cried and threw numerous adult tantrums , stomping my foot in emphasis . There were many days of " Why me ? " and  " I don't like this or that !  " kind of  commentary people had to endure . Did I say adult ? Not exactly a favorable reflection in the mirror of the kind of person I've worked to become . 

As I creep closer to my fiftieth birthday , I crave stability and the ordinary , leaving the constant changes of life to the younger generation . Let them take on the world at full speed ahead , I just want to crochet . 

All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.Psalm 6:6
Looking back , the above verse makes me laugh at myself . There is nothing funny about that Psalm as it depicts lamentations of sadness , pain and remorse . Yet , that description fit me well this year .
I may not be sure if it's the end of the year approaching or if we have finally settled into a routine of some sort , but I'm feeling okay about things in general . Am I finally settling in ?
It sounds hard to believe , but I can see a pattern forming in my everyday activities  .  What I saw as challenges in the past , seem more like a memory now . Sooner or later , we do adjust , even if we were kicking and screaming the entire way . The circle of life continues no matter if we are ready or not . 
Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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