Saturday, October 5, 2013

Where Are The Mentors ?

Mentors have a certain awe about them  , don't they ? I can remember the early mentors in my life  and how I held them so highly in esteem . I saw  them in a certain light , someone to whom I  wish to aspire to , someone I  wish to become like one day . 

Unfortunately , not all  mentors are good mentors or have stayed the course with the person they have brought to Christ . Too many of my friends have been abandoned because of falling short of their mentor's expectation of 
them . 

As new Christians , we can easily slip back into old routines  and we need someone who can be there for us without placing any judgmental accusations or views upon us . Mentors can also fall and when they do , our ideals fall with them being placed so high upon that pedestal . There is a lot of pressure on them to be a spiritual role model especially since they are human , too . 

I chose my mentor and for the most part , we have been very  close , but lately , I find we haven't had much time
 together . During her last trip , we haven't had an opportunity to chat  face to face , but we haven't really tried either . Sometimes ,  I wonder if I'm the one who is moving on or has she . 

Can we outgrow our mentors ? Not exactly sure , but I have come across an article listing the characteristics we should be looking for in  a mentor and not just for leading us in our spiritual quest , but with marital problems , raising children  etc. Here is the list :

1. Godly. A person who walks in the Spirit will offer genuine wisdom based on biblical principles rather than personal opinion.
2. Trustworthy. No matter what you share with this individual, you must be certain that he or she will keep everything in the strictest confidence.
3. Accepting. He or she must allow you to be yourself--frailties and all--and not try to remake you into someone "perfect."
4. Courageous. A good accountability partner will lovingly confront you with the truth, even when it hurts (Eph. 4:15).
5. Forgiving. When you make mistakes, trust is built through mutual forgiveness.
6. Edifying. Don't choose someone with an overly critical attitude that will make you feel worthless. Love edifies and builds up (Eph. 4:29). It never destroys.
7. Encouraging. You don't want someone with a checklist, who judges or acts like a prophet. Instead, choose someone who takes great joy in encouraging you.
\by Charles Stanley

I love Charles Stanley and I think he has a great list of characteristics to go by . It's almost a list that one can use for choosing a partner , because it is a partnership , isn't it ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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