Monday, October 21, 2013

As The World Turns

I start the week with a heavy heart . It's funny how we take on our friend's problems , reliving every episode with them . If they're happy , then we're happy . If  they're crying , we're crying . Our compassionate and caring nature takes over when it comes to people we love . 

The thing is , I just can't take on anyone's hurt anymore , because I feel too much . It actually hurts . I can feel my blood pressure rise from the stress of it . 

I sat in the courthouse with a friend , watching people file past into their perspective courtrooms , arms loaded with paperwork .  So many people , so many problems and so much pain . It's as if the world was spinning on a drama axis .

How can it be that some of us will go through life and not be touched by anything . Yet  others , their whole lives will be spent turned upside down filled with turmoil . 

So much sadness and so much pain . 

I often wonder if the world was like this in Jesus time . When He walked the earth , did He see what I saw today ? All those people waiting in line for the outcomes that will forever shape their lives ? 

Look at the Israelites in the bible , forever complaining , forever unhappy and unsatisfied . Has the world really changed so much ? No , it hasn't . Even though technology has evolved extensively , we as people haven't . The problems are the same and  the people are the same . The world turns pretty much the same as it has in the beginning .

So much sadness and so much pain .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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