Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Make Like A Squirrel

As glad as I am about the cooler weather of Fall being here , the preparation that usually comes with it is the last thing I want right now . I've grown very lazy in my middle-aged years and doing housework is my least favorite thing . There is too much to do with all of my extra-curriculum activities to be worried about some dust bunnies !

I have no idea what has happened to me , but the " mom " robot inside of me has expired . No longer do I have to worry about cooking , ironing , laundry and cleaning the house . My kids are grown with one married and one living at home . Housework is not a priority any longer . 

One of my least favorite thing to do is take care of my vehicle . . . any time of the year , least of all in the Fall . This used to be my son's responsibility and when he left the nest , it has become a burden for me . I believe that is one of the reason why my car breaks down . . . . I don't take care of it the way I should . 

Yes  , now is the time to winterize my car , wash it , vacuum it and empty out all the bags and boxes . I have no idea how or why my car becomes so messy and filled with various contents  . I have no small children . 

Thank goodness I don't own my own home , because the amount of preparation involved would have raised my blood pressure to the roof . Gone are the days where all of that gave me pleasure . Nowadays , time is extremely important to me . 

I'm quite disappointed in myself this year . I really anticipated doing much more in the summer preparing for the winter  with canning and drying . I wanted to shampoo my carpet . I did none of those things . Time just got away from me . 

It seems that last year , I was better prepared with my pantry being stocked , car taken cared of and the apartment nicely sealed ready to cocoon ourselves from the cold . All of my medical supplies neatly stored away . So what happened ? 

I'm tired , just plain tired , that's what happened . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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