Wednesday, October 9, 2013

From The Outside Looking In

Ever since I was a small child , I never felt like I belonged to a group ,  but more like a loner , looking from the outside in . I never felt the need to be part of a clique or a party of cool people or any kind of party . I liked who I was and I liked being alone .

I can say the same now . I have many acquaintances , but actually only a few very close friends . Somehow , I have always felt different than everyone else , going my own way and having a strong belief system . The only person I have ever followed was Christ .

As much as I like being alone , it can feel lonely at times , especially when you feel  like you 're in a different time
era . I don't feel understood . Why do I feel so different from everyone else ? 

I feel that there are so many people out there who are missing out on living their rightful lives . They spend their life being consumed by all the wrongful things and heading out on the wrong path . I am surrounded by people who seem to think this kind of life is normal . 

I am saddened by how the world turns , especially when I remember with how much love it was created . We so desperately need to pray for the people in it . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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