Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Work Situation

I have mentioned many times my desire to move out of the city to live a country lifestyle . Recently , many of you have inquired if I have made a decision regarding that move . In order for that to happen , my career at Avon would have to end either by my choice or by  the company closing our facility . Even though the work load has lessened by great degrees , it doesn't appear as if that move will happen any time soon . There are  many other options before that will occur . 

Right now , I am opting to weigh all  scenarios to prepare for the future . My decision will be based mainly on how this move will affect my cancer. Above all , I need care and treatment and that involves having insurance . I cannot afford to be without either . 

 As far as I can see , I have three choices . 
1.) I can stay here in the city and try to find another job 
2.) Move closer to Springfield by my son's family 
3.) Relocate to another facility in Zainsville , Ohio

Another fact to worry about happens to be Emily . Do I really want to move her away from everyone she knows to start all over  ? What if something happens to me and she is left all alone . Any way it goes , there are many factors to weigh the pros and cons of a very important decision . Certainly a lot to think about and at this point I don't want to  be hasty in making that decision . 

Who really knows where I will end up ? Things change in a heartbeat and suddenly any future roads we travel are paved completely different . One thing for sure , I need to prepare myself for that journey . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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