Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Somber Moment

When were born into this world , we brought  happiness to our parent's lives , whether we were planned or not . We grew , we learned and then it was time for us to die . For some of us it didn't make any difference what age we were , it was our time , that was all . 

Death brings sadness and tears . The family and friends of the one who has passed away are consumed with an emptiness of being left behind . Death leaves us feeling abandoned by our loved one , especially the ones that have held us together and lifted our spirits . 

It is an entirely different experience for the one who has died . They are either swallowed into the pit of sorrow and agony in hell or embraced into the holiness and glory of heaven with Our 
Father  . For some of us , our death will be a shocking and somber awakening . 

This week has been very emotional and somber , finding out the faith of two friends with cancer . One passed away to join Christ and the other waiting for death . 

For the one who died , I feel remorse for her husband and small son as their life will be forever changed from this point on . A small boy will grow up without his mother . That is always painful to watch and bear . 

For the one who is waiting for death , I pray his soul is right with God . I cannot even imagine what it must feel like to know there is nothing to be done except to wait for death to come . What must his thoughts be like ? 

I view death differently now then I did years ago . Death is something just waiting around the corner . That is why time is so important and special to me . Time is everything . Death is just another passage  and for those of us with a chronic illness , taking care of our business matters here on earth is vital . 

This week certainly has been somber , thinking of my friends whose journey here on earth almost done and another one begins . 

Have a Blessed day  everyone . 

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