Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sex , Love and Cancer

Surprisingly , as old as I am , there are still young people who read  my blog and they have a burning question for
 me  . 

How come you never write about your love life or sex ? 

1 . Well , one reason happens to be that my Pastor also reads my blog as well as my children ,  my mother and I don't think they want to hear any of it   . 
2 . I never knew that people were interested in this 48 yr. 

old 's sex life . I  must be hip and rad ! 
3 . I have a love life ? I wish someone would have told me so I could have enjoyed it . 

When a person is going through a chronic illness , there are so many things we  experience at once  , it's very difficult to just focus on one thing . The end result usually entails some sort of prioritizing according to importance . 

Sex and a love life tend to be down on the bottom of that list and the only time it ever gets a higher priority is when we are in remission . When remission happens , we think about our appearance . We do our hair , buy new clothes and actually take care in how we look . 

After a certain time in remission , one tends to feel as if the illness may not come back . It's a false illusion , I'm afraid, at least concerning myself . I have dated while in remission only to find that when the cancer came back it was too much for that someone other to handle . I went  from the strong , independent woman to a woman needing to be taken cared of . A huge difference . 

Another , extremely important factor here is that I have never kissed and told in my life . Why would I start now ? If I don't share my love life with a close girlfriend , why would I with you . . . . the public ? 

Honestly , I have given up on dating especially now with the cancer coming back so closely together . I figure if something hasn't happened by now , it will never happen . Who has time to be working on a relationship with all of my cancer issues , anyway ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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