Friday, June 22, 2012

Time Is Life

  Started making a list of things I wanted to accomplish while being off for two weeks from work . Never really been off for so long. Once or twice I did take a week here and there   , but never this long  .
   My list does not consist of jobs to do . It is a list of fun things . I want to enjoy this time . Enjoyment has become a huge part of my existence . Too bad , everyone else wants to rob me of it .
  My first week will be spent with my son and his family at a water park developing some quality time with my grandchildren   . I'm sure you all are tired of hearing me talk about it  by now .
   The other week , I intend of living life . Time is life . I read that somewhere , recently ,  can't really remember where . Time is life . Sounds wonderful , doesn't it ? How do I plan to do that , you ask ?
   Well , I will go to that naked spa that both my nieces gave me as a present . I will go during the week ,  after 10 pm.  when no one will be around and I will get naked . Besides  enjoying their  assorted " baths " , I intend on getting a foot massage .
    I plan on visiting my niece ,  who has  a hot tub . . . . . . .quite alot . I shall have a glass of wine every evening as I watch my 'Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot "  or anything England . I shall stay up all night and sleep in late . There are no time clocks nor appointments to be " somewhere " . I will wear mis-matched clothes and take long bubble baths . I will have dinner with my mommy . I shall crochet my little heart out .
    I will NOT think about that place called " work " and I will NOT let anyone rob me of my joy . What are YOU doing on your vacation ?

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