Monday, June 25, 2012

In The Beginning

   In the beginning there was nothing but darkness and God said " Let there be light...."
   That's how my Sunday School class began . Starting our summer schedule with just the kindergarten class brought excitement and anxiousness to me ..........anxious to get cracking . I missed our little class in our little room . I missed the personal level that a small group of children bring . I missed teaching , REALLY teaching . But , most of all , I miss my kindergarteners !
  They are a special kind of students . You have to teach them in a different way from the other children . You have to get on their level with their kind of language . I love their freshness and openness that only comes once in a person's age , an age when one is quite young . They are so completely honest about how they feel and what they feel . I love this grade . Ask them what they would say to Jesus if they saw Him and they will answer " let's play ".
   Of course , the older children have a special spot in my heart as well . I love children . There's nothing to teaching them . You can have a wonderful discussion on whatever lesson you are teaching . Their participation is quaranteed .
   It's different with the small ones , you have to bring it out of them in such a way that they can understand .
   What I love most about them is to see how they have grown  . How they grow each year in their knowledge of the Lord . You remember the first time , when they grabbed a hold of their parents leg and didn't want to let go . . . . didn't want to come into the classroom . Each Sunday , there was an improvement in their behavior . Each year , you could see the progress they have made .
   Yes , I'm very excited about this summer schedule and my little kindergarteners . I really love what I do . Hope you can find that special kind of serving that is just right for you . That can fulfill your heart the way mine has been . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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