Monday, June 18, 2012

It's A Baker's Life

   I'm sure that all of you already know that my Emily can bake . Eversince , she was a little girl she would love to watch cooking shows . Other little children watched Sesame Street and she watched The Frugal Gourmet . She can bake and she can cook  .  Some people just seem to know how to use their seasonings and know what kind of food goes well together . To have a daughter who can can do both , well , is  a curse and a blessing .
   Many a times when I had my chemo or spent the whole day at the doctor's , I'ld come home to a hot meal waiting for me . A great feeling , let me tell you . Just like the other weekend when my girlfriends were over , I didn't do anything but sit and chat while she made supper .
  I haven't bought ice cream or whip cream or frosting in a very long time . My girl makes it from scratch . I am spoiled . Temptation surrounds me on a daily basis .This weekend it was cinnamon rolls . Sometimes , I wake up to wonderful smells coming from the kitchen like cheddar biscuits . Are you hungry yet ? Mouth watering ? Imagine what I go through everyday .
  I'm glad that she can make things from scratch . It seems that as the world gets older we forget the simplier things in life . We forget how to be unprocessed . Everything is in fast forward and we forget how to just smell the roses .
  So if Emily wants to make fresh bread , whom am I not to butter it ? Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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