Thursday, June 7, 2012

And a 1 , And a 2 , And a 3

    This morning was my very first physical therapy for my knee . Wasn't  very sure of what to expect . My knowledge of physical therapy consisted of taking  my mom to hers twice a week years ago .
     I remember , how terribly time consuming it was and particularly the long drive home in traffic . I also remember how much pain my mom was in after each session  . When she was done , I felt relief and I'm sure she did , too .
    I have been awaiting this appointment with great anticipation . In my mind , I felt like this would be the cure all for my knee . I just couldn't understand why so many of my friends ( my age ) walked around with knee pain and didn't do anything about it . Not me , though . I was going to show them that with adequate doctor care my knee would be cured .
   Well , talk about eating crow . Here we are , four months have passed and honestly , I don't think they know what to do with this knee of mine . Every night  , I cover my knee with these topical pads/plasters that cost a fortune . Sometimes my knee feels great and sometimes my knee feels like a rickety rusty machine in need of good oiling .
    I'm not going to rehash all of my treatments of the last four months regarding this knee . As I was driving home this morning thinking of my appointment , a thought popped into my head . This will sound so completely crazy to you but here goes . Go home and let God heal that knee .
   I don't know where this came from because I was on my way home to change and head out for that appointment . Go home and let God heal that knee . Believe me , I parked my car and started to pray , asking God for healing . This has never happened to me before , but I completely believe .
  Do you want to pray for me ? Pray for God to heal my knee because I believe . Have a Blessed Week everyone and pray for me .

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