Friday, June 8, 2012

Here Comes The Train

   After supper ,  Emily and I usually retreat into our rooms for some alone time . We are big on privacy here . We respect it . Our alone time is sort of like a detox of the day's events . I find that when I don't get my alone time I become like a toddler without a nap !
   I have a lovely view from my bedroom window and with both my windows opened I also get a wonderful breeze . No matter what I'm doing , I can always glance out and check out the life outside . There are people riding their bikes , walking their dogs , children playing and a group of young  men throwing a football around . Beautiful ! Life in progress !
   But my favorite of all is the sound of the coming  train as it whistles it's arrival . I can hear it from a distance especially in the evenings . You know how much I love to ride a train . Traveling by Amtrak is the way to go in my book .
   As I listen for the whistle each night , anticipation fills my veins . Soon my vacation will be here and I can start my adventure . Yes , my adventure . I call all my trips adventures .
   Before my illness , that's what my stories were about . . . .my adventures . It seems that  now all I do is write about  my cancer . By going on this trip , I will get not just my stories back but also my life . I'm looking forward to what lies ahead and the stories I will write . The stories I will make .
   Yes , I can hear that whistle now and soon I will be on it heading toward my destination . Yeah , life is good . Here comes the train ....toot , toot !

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