Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ring ! Ring !

   Getting home from work this morning I fell into bed exhausted . I was tired from an extremely difficult night at work . The whole drive home I thought about my bed and my pillow .
   Getting to sleep was no problem. Staying asleep , on the other hand , was . The phone rang and rang all morning . ALL morning .
   After much tossing and turning , I sat up and  grabbed  my phone . Who in the world could be calling me ?! What could be so important ?! Something is seriously going on . Thinking it might be my mom with some bad news , I checked my messages .
   Not recognizing the number that has repeatedly been calling me , I dialed , getting a recorded message .
  " You have been selected in our daily drawing to win a free security system . Press 1 to speak to our respresentative . Press 2 to take your phone number off our calling list ."
    No brainer which I pressed . Really !!! That's what this excessive ringing was all about ? ! Have these businesses gone mad ? ! Don't they realize that people might be sleeping ?
   I guess not . Even my own friends and family forget that I work nights and call . How can I expect complete strangers to understand when even my family does it .
   It's not even the ringing of the phone but just plain life outside that prevents us night-workers from sleeping . It seems our grass gets mowed like twice a week . The delivery  and garbage trucks are particularly loud . Even the sun streaming through the windows can be a problem .
   Still , I wouldn't change shifts ever . I like waking up in the afternoon . I like taking a morning walk sometimes . It provides me with an illusion  of getting more out of my day . I certainly don't want to look at the world through a closed window .I want to be right in the middle of it . Enjoy these hot , sunny days .Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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