Monday, June 4, 2012

Dear Diary

    Many years ago , my mom worked for Bantom , Doubleday and Dell . The facility where she worked made bookcovers . Many times , my mom would bring home books for all of us . One of my favorites were the Journals or All About Me types of books . One , especially , was a personal memoir from a grandparent to their grandchild where you answered questions about yourself .
   Over the years , I have accumulated quite a few of them and now they sit on a shelf in my living room  . I glance at them from time to time even bothering to write a few things in them . Always telling myself , I'll finish them one day . Well , I probably never will .
   To say that I like to write  is an understatement . When I started this blog , it was purely for myself . Now , it has become a diary ..... .a Dear Diary of my remaining life . I want to leave something for Emily and Joey as a comfort when I'm gone  .
    I've always been able to express myself with the written word much better than verbally . There is something liberating about expressing oneself to strangers rather than friends . Strangers don't know anything about you or your life .People's faces are very expressive and  I don't have to see anyone's face while they read my stories .
   My children do not read my blog .Joey probably read a couple but Emily never even glanced at it . It's okay because I know when the time comes when I die , they will . Maybe , even my grandchildren will , too . For the time being  let .

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