Sunday, June 10, 2012

Their Progress

    Many times I have been asked how my family has taken in my illness .  My family was devasted when I first was diagnosed with cancer . I was the calm one and the  naivee one . I think they understood the severe reality of the situation better than I did .
    At that time , like alot of people , I had issues regarding my family . We always seem to find fault with our loved ones . We openly critisize to friends and anyone who cares to listen just how dysfunctional we think our families really are . My cancer changed all of that .
   I discovered how much they really loved me . With some of them , I even renewed our relationship . I've discovered many things about myself and how I perceived in my mind an image of my family .
  Recently , I came across an old friend who never got along with her family . To my surprise , she spoke so lovingly about her parents and siblings . I asked her what changed . She replied that she changed .
  I believe that's what happened  in my life . My seeing how they cared for me and cared  about me made me realize that maybe my opinion of them was wrong . It wasn't just my view of family that changed but friendships as well . Any old hurts or vendettas went out the window . My view of relationships in general was cleansed for the better .
  Life is what you make it  and I certainly don't want to waste it getting angry over things that really don't matter . I believe that's how they feel as well .Let's get to know each other all over again while we still can .
  The second time around , my family handled this quite calmly , at least in my presence . I prepared an email stating my illness has come back which I sent out to everyone . The response was the same .........we can do this again . Let us know what we can do for you .
  My family will always be there for me . I am loved . I know this and feel this . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

1 comment:

  1. Such a great blessing to come out of the pain of cancer...Love, you, Lottie.
