Thursday, January 16, 2020

Your Quiet Days

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

What an amazing, 
what a blessed disproportion
between the evil we do,
 and the evil we are capable of doing, 
and seem sometimes on the
 very verge of doing! 
If my soul has grown tares, 
when it was full of the seeds of nightshade,
 how happy ought I to be! 
And that the tares have not wholly
 strangled the wheat,
 what a wonder it is! 
We ought to thank God daily for 
the sins we have not committed.

At work, we have these monitoring apps on our computer that sort of tell us how productive we are while on our computer. They send us an e-mail on a monthly basis and tell us just by seeing our calendar how many "quiet days" we have where we don't have any appointments. How many e-mails we sent out and how many recipients. That tells them that we have more time to be productive at our desks. They call these zero appointment days our quiet days.

I thought to myself how badly we need these type of moments in our daily life. There is so much noise surrounding us as we try to fulfill all of our engagements. It is almost a wonder how we can actually make a sound decision with all of these distractions being thrown at us.

I, myself, am unable to sit still. I have a compulsion to multi-task even when company is over. It is as if I have forgotten how to relate to someone just by being silent and listening. I've become a Martha always opting to being busy instead of being there an actual presence.

In my quest to rid myself of all things that bring my blood pressure up, I've been thinking about incorporating a quiet day into my schedule. A day with nothing, but relaxing.

It's not that easy. I thought I actually had a day like that already called Sunday. It may have begun that way, but quickly turned into another work day at home. The pressures and the need of ours to keep working, checking off the items on the list, has prevented us from enjoying precious moments. I believe that is why so many people don't know what to do with themselves when they retire. They are programmed to get up early every morning and start their day.

Sigh. Scheduling quite days will be difficult and the fact that I need to schedule one is insane. They should just happen, right? Life is ever changing with new things and people always coming/going. Either we adapt naturally or we are forcibly altered. Which way is more preferable? Well, that's up to us.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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