Saturday, January 11, 2020

Winter Gathering Update

                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                everyday is a journey

Learn to admire rightly: 
the great pleasure of life is that.
 Note what great men admired;
 they admired great things; 
narrow spirits admire basely
 and worship meanly.
—W. M. Thackeray

It has always been my favorite time of the year for gathering and preparing for the upcoming New Year. I re-stock my shelves only during this Season. It could be my medicine cabinet or my kitchen pantry. Either way, this time marks my entire year. I normally spend the Winter months stocking up and the Summer months redecorating.

I've always liked getting ready for Winter. This has always been a time of hibernation for me where I sit back and get a lot of the projects finished. I take my time, not really running around socially or errand wise. I like to be surrounded by the comforts of my home.

One of my simplest pleasures involves watching the snow fall as it lands on the tree branches and spruce. Everything looks so serene and calm and silent.
One of the things I miss the most is a picturesque view that I had in our last apartment. There was so much to look at and I found it to be inspirational to my writing. Maybe that's what is missing in my life? Is that why I am having a hard time writing? I don't have a view?

Our Winter this year, has been pretty mild almost Fall like with rainy days and overcast skies. There have been only a couple of snowfalls covering just a few inches. Mind you, I don't miss the icy roads and blizzards, but an occasional Winter scene would be appreciated. Today we had a little bit more of snow, but barely a dusting. It doesn't matter, because I don't have a room with a great view anyway. 

January marks the mid Winter month. A sort of marker that we are halfway done. I am a little undecided if I am ready for Spring or not. There has been some indecision mostly because of the blues settling in. We do need the Sun. Halfway there, we're halfway there in more ways than we care to admit.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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