Sunday, January 26, 2020

No Buy January

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Not man's manifold labors,
 but his manifold cares, 
hinder the presence of God.
 Whatsoever thou doest,
 hush thyself to thine own feverish vanities,
 and busy thoughts, 
and cares; in silence seek thy Father's face, 
and the light of His countenance
 will stream down upon thee.
 He will make a secret cell in thine heart, 
and when thou enterest there,
 there shalt thou find Him. 
And if thou hast found Him there, 
all around shall reflect Him, 
all shall speak to Him, 
and He will speak through all. 
Outwardly thou mayest be doing the work of thy calling; 
inwardly if thou commend thy work to God, 
thou mayest be with Him in the third Heaven.

I have been wanting to do a no spend month for a long time now. There are so many people out there who have tried this, especially right after Christmas. It's also a good thing to do as a new start to the year. It's always good to curtail a lot of our unnecessary spending as a way to save money. 

If we sat down and made a list of what is considered necessary within our four walls, you would be surprised to find how much we actually spend on things that are considered frivolous such as getting coffee every morning instead of making your own. Or going out to lunch everyday instead of bringing a meal from home. There are many ways we can cut back if we truly wanted to do so. 

So what are my reasons? Well, since I began my pantry and did some dehydrating of vegetables over the Summer, I haven't been spending a lot on food. In fact, I have noticed I am only picking up milk, eggs, salad or small items. Just those two things changed the amount of money I am spending. Imagine the possibilities and the freedom of no debt hanging over you. That is an awesome feeling. 

Let me list my rules for this month. The "no buy" goes into effect towards anything that isn't a necessity. If my shoes get worn out, I will need to buy a pair of shoes. If I see something I like or want, it doesn't mean I can buy it. It's pretty simple. 

This will be particularly hard when it comes to purchasing yarn, especially since I am always on the lookout for clearance or special sales. This, of course, I cannot do this month. Who knows? I may not be able to succeed. It might just sound like a good idea, but trying to enact it might be entirely something else. I will let you know at the end of the month how it went.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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