Thursday, January 30, 2020

Simply Wellness

                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Although a friend may remain
 faithful in misfortune, 
yet none but the very best 
and loftiest will remain faithful 
to us after our errors and our sins.
—Dean Farrar.

It's always good to find a partner in crime when pursuing extracurricular activities. I have a good friend with whom I like to share self improvement articles, retreats or any other information that can helps us. We both love to better ourselves through self examination where we can grow as individuals. It was during our usual lunch that she dropped a bombshell statement.

She said I can't tackle other issues like grief If I don't get healthy.

Wow, that makes so much sense when you think about it. The whole body, mind and spirit immediately comes to mind. Our growth depends on so many things, doesn't it? Whatever we are going through health-wise with our bodies affects our way of thinking and how we see our spirituality. Trying to find that balance can be both difficult and time consuming.

As Christians we are encouraged to grow, grow, grow as much as possible. We want to expand our knowledge of the scripture, past events and even Bible verses as a way to prepare our hearts to be the best we can be. We seek to be more loving, more understanding, more Christ-like in all our actions as we go about our daily life.

 I have come across many fellow cancer survivors and patients who have professed to spend many moments having crying spells and emotional outbursts in the middle of their treatments. They cannot make sense of their emotions since they feel they should be grateful and happy for coming this far when others haven't. It is so understandable since we can only focus our minds on one traumatic experience at a time. At that moment, we are dealing with surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. Way too much to process all at once. Our brain feels so jam packed with feelings and information where decision making is almost impossible.

So we understand the body and the mind, but why spirituality? Well, what keeps you going every single day? What gives you that sense of purpose? That meaning? We need hope. We need faith. We need prayer. We need God. We cannot face the difficulties of life and persevere without these four.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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