Tuesday, January 7, 2020

My 2020 Goals

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                    everyday is a journey.

I, and the bird,
And the wind together,
Sang a supplication
In the winter weather.
The bird sang for sunshine,
And the trees for winter fruit,
And for love in the spring time
When the thickets shoot.
And I sang for patience
When the teardrops start;
Clean hands and clear eyes,
And a faithful heart.
—Arthur C. Benson

I originally had no plans on doing any kind of resolutions or goals for this year. After spending such a vigorous schedule in the past few years of trying to pay off debt and de-cluttering my life in every sense of the word, I wanted to relax. In fact, that is my word of the year: Relaxation.

I did, however, think it might be best for me to set a goal for all my extracurricular activities. The whole point being to improve in any way possible in each area. We have to embrace change as much as we can or we will not grow.

The Chronic Illness Group:
I thought we should try a Health Goal where we choose one specific health issue and try our best to improve in that area. I chose lowering my blood pressure back to what it was a few years back. Now, I do not have a problem with my blood pressure, but it is significantly higher than before. It worries me tremendously.

The Crocheting Ministry:
Honestly, I had a hard time finding a goal to work on. The Ministry has been flourishing all on it's own. If anything, I would like to better organize my supplies or at least find a space to work in. It is just difficult to be so clustered into a corner.

YouTube Channel:
This one needs so much work that I don't even know where to begin. I need to learn how to edit, do proper lighting, angles etc. The list is endless on growth potential for myself in this area. Honestly, I need to improve in everything pertaining to my channel.

Ouch! This one will be the hardest and it pains me to say that about something that used to come so easily to me before. Is it because I have been writing for so long? Am I out of juice? My goal is to get my mojo back.

Many people say we shouldn't be setting expectations for ourselves that we cannot achieve. It may be too out of our reach, but I believe otherwise. We need to set goals in order for us to better ourselves. If we have nothing to look forward to, then we have no hope and without hope, we cannot exist.  At least, I cannot.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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