Saturday, January 25, 2020

Staying Focused

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Whenever we choose a goal to work on, there will be obstacles following not soon after the declaration. The first week or so, things always go great. We are focused, we are strong and we are invincible in our quest to reach that goal.

The real struggle begins in the next couple of weeks. We have to resist negative thinking, feeling lethargic and a sense that we could never achieve a goal such like ours. We are attacked from every direction and once down, it can be difficult to get back up again.

There is another side. What if our goal is not the goal intended for us? That has always been the hard part for me determining if I should continue on or jump ship. If only life were a bit simpler and there was a road map with a GPS that I could follow. When a wrong turn would be made, we would be redirected promptly without any unpleasantness. Why can't life be like that?

Be still and know I am God.

I keep saying that to myself over and over again. I could hear the soft whisper inside my head: keep doing what you're doing. Be still and trust. For someone who has declared to avoid all stress, I sure love to dwell on things I cannot control. If anything, I feel bombarded with worry even more now than before.  It has become a daily battle to stay focused on what I need to do right now at this moment. Whoever said that tomorrow will take care of itself, sure knew what they were saying. I've seen this on someone's Facebook: Keep calm and crochet on. Now that's great advice, lol.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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