Saturday, December 23, 2017

Twas' The Weekend Before Christmas

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

The traffic was horrendous. What should have been a mere fifteen minute drive to work, took a little over thirty. Every light turned red right before us, but it wasn't until we passed an accident that Emily spoke up. "Mom, don't worry about the stores today. It's just not worth it to be in all of this. This is too crazy."

She had plans on making her famous homemade hot chocolate mix for her co-workers. My job was to pick up all the ingredients after dropping her off at work. That was the plan until we drove in all of this mess. 

Twas' the weekend before Christmas, the last couple of days and the world went crazy with shopping. Even on social media I've barely seen a soul. No one was home nor on their Facebook. When would enough be enough?

I don't know about all of you, but our Holidays have gotten simpler. When the children were small, having around twenty or thirty people over for dinner was average. The Christmas tree could barely hold all the presents under it. A ham and a turkey lay in splendor on the dining room table. Maybe even a fish. There was enough food for a week of leftovers. 

Back then it was all about the meal and the presents. Nowadays, it's all about Jesus and fellowship with our loved ones. At least, in our house. It's funny, because once we were those people out there shopping like mad and getting up early cooking all these meals. We were them. . . . once. I'm also getting older. Am I becoming wiser? Now, finally after all these stupid past mistakes I've learned what really matters? I hope so. I don't need to be in all of that mess. I'm going home. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

The Gratitude Challenge:
 I am grateful for my wise grown children.

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