Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Shame Of It All

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea
Come drifting home with broken masts and sails;
I shall believe the Hand which never fails
From seeming evil worketh good for me;
And though I weep because those sails are battered,
Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered,
"I trust in Thee."
--Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

Our hidden shame. We all have hidden shame that's locked away from everyone's view. We peek in it's hiding space from time to time just to make sure it hasn't gotten out. That would be horrible. We don't ever want other people to know about it. No, not our hidden shame.

You know, many years ago, I ran into a good friend at Church. Her name was Laura and along with her husband, they both led this life transforming recovery group. Both of them had these riveting testimonials where unabashedly they shared their past with all who were willing to listen. And they cited everything! Everything!

I admired both of them to put themselves out there for others to perhaps judge them, ridicule them, shame them. How bold of them. I'm so envious of their bravery, I asked Laura once how she could be so brave. Why not, Lottie? That's not who I am now. That's who I was before Jesus forgave me.

Laura passed away a couple of years ago, only a day apart from Linda. They went to Heaven together. I think back to that conversation many times wishing I could be as open about my past as she was about hers. I cannot tell you how many times I've whispered my past shame in confession to the Almighty. There's still more I haven't spoken to Him about because of that shame label. 

Women like Linda and Laura are what we call Mentoring Women. We need them to teach us, show us and love on us as we go through the fire of becoming a woman of God. We can learn so much from them if only we are willing to listen. I often think of them both and look forward to seeing these Godly women once again in Heaven. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

The Gratitude Challenge:
I am thankful for the forgiveness and grace given to me. 

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