Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today In Church

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                               everyday is a journey.

The tissue of the life to be,
We weave with colors all our own,
And in the field of Destiny
We reap as we have sown.

It's hard to get up on Sunday mornings. The desire to sleep in a very strong one, but we choose not to, instead opting to go to Church. We need to begin our week right and praising Our Lord definitely fits that bill. 

Today of all days, I wanted to be there early and of course, it didn't happen. I was looking forward to hear our guest speaker Brian Stevenson, a criminal justice lawyer. He spoke on our incarcerated here in Illinois. I love what he said about serving the broken within a broken system in a broken world. 

I have to be honest here, in my Ministry work, I never even considered the prisoners. Not even once. I have read Matthew 25:35-36, but I have never fulfilled the last part of it. 

35 For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in. 36 I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’

Before the end of the service, all of us made two Christmas Bags filled with literature and goodies for every incarcerated person in this state. That also included the Juvenile Courts which our children in the Youth Group took care of the day before. 

Now, I know that small gesture is not enough and majority of us will walk away feeling that they have done their part. I know and acknowledge it, but I cannot help feeling that there is so much more that we could do. We could pray for our incarcerated. We could write or send cards to them through our Church. We could make casseroles for the support groups they join after they do get out. We could donate audio tapes of our Sermons. 

You see, I can't help feeling that in a way, I failed as a Christian for not doing something in the past. I am broken, too. I may not have done what they have, but what makes me better in the eyes of the Lord? Why should I expect forgiveness and salvation only for others like me? Isn't it available to everyone? Who am I to decide who is worthy and who isn't? 

It isn't up to me. There are many out there that we never consider outside of Christmas or any other Holiday. There are many that are hurting, broken, lonely, desperate and lost. I could keep going with adjectives, not running out anytime soon. Who am I? There's nothing too dirty, that He cannot make worthy. Look at me.

Have a blessed day everyone.

The Gratitude Challenge:
Thank you, Jesus for constantly showing me mercy and forgiveness.

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