Monday, December 4, 2017

Things Not To Eat

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

Help us, O Lord, with patient love to bear
Each other's faults, to suffer with true meekness;
Help us each other's joys and griefs to share,
But let us turn to Thee alone in weakness.

I was listening to Dr. James Dobson radio program and he was speaking about the foods we need to avoid for good health. There was one or two items on that list that really surprised. 

1. cheese
2. red meat
3. egg yolk
4. milk/cream
5. butter
6. fried food, grease

Have you guessed which two I'm talking about? Cheese and milk/cream. I never even considered that these two were harmful. I mean, milk? Don't we need milk for bone development? Cheese? Are you sure you mean cheese?

For the last ten years, I have been on a quest to live a healthier lifestyle. I am a firm believer in preventive care. My cancer is a re-occurring one and my goal is to make these remissions last as long as possible. If that means giving up certain foods to make that happen, so be it. 

As I've aged, I've noticed how my body reacts to these foods in a most unpleasant way. And I'm not the only one. We end up with stomach aches, acid re-flux, heartburn, cholesterol, irregular bowels etc., just to name a few. Plus, these are just the minor things. Don't forget heart disease and diabetes. 

Now, I'm not a hardcore vegetarian or vegan, but I have changed my eating habits quite drastically. The problem is that I need to go even farther. I need to do this permanently ( that's another upcoming blog) and not cheat occasionally. I will be very good for weeks on end and then I'll cheat to my regret. I say regret, because my body will reject these foods that I've avoided for weeks. Not a very pleasant experience at all. Trust me on that. 

All of this, it seems, is an ongoing journey with food that I've had for the last ten years. I wish I could say I have overcome all my cheating and bingeing, but unfortunately no. I continually struggle avoiding foods that don't agree with me anymore. Although, since my last tummy ache, the consequences are still very real to me. Maybe this time I'll stop?

Have a Blessed day everyone.

The Gratitude Challenge:
I am grateful for water that quenches and eases all my discomforts. 

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